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Consumers (and that includes us) are often persuaded to buy products and invest in services when our emotional triggers are engaged. It’s a sales tactic that has been proven well before online businesses began, and it continues to be at the forefront of copywriting practices that gets results for San Diego website design in 2016.

Here are four emotional triggers that you can use to help make the sale because they give people a reason why the purchase will benefit their lives.

#1: Saving time.

People are always looking to save time, and when you tug on heartstrings by letting people know that your product or services will give them more time with family and friends, you’ll often see a surplus of people ready to listen.

#2: Offer social proof.

As much as we don’t want to admit it, many people will follow social proof because it creates a sense of belonging and it gives us the feeling of security that we’re not alone in testing out the product. You can show social proof through reviews and even images of celebrities using the services or items created bytop website design companies in California.


#3: Focus on urgency.

People fear being left behind, and when you create a sense of urgency, they’ll feel the need to make the purchase before it’s gone. You can do this by using tactics such as offering a limited time bonus gift included with the purchase or have a coupon that lasts 24 hours.

#4: Show the value.

Don’t just tell people that investing in your business is valuable – show them. You can use quality videos, charts, and other statistics that proves your product will be useful and improve their lives.